Saturday, April 3, 2010


Tomorrow is Easter, the celebration of Christ's resurrection.  It also marks one week until our departure for Texas City on our adult mission trip.  Fifteen St. Barnabas folk will be journeying to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance base in Texas City.  Housed at First Presbyterian Church, the facilities serve a large number of workers in mobile housing where we'll eat and sleep, along with 25-30 workers from other places. 

On Sunday, April 11, we'll get an orientation from the PDA staff and on Monday morning we'll be broken up into groups and assigned particular tasks.  Those may include but not be limited to sheetrocking, framing, roofing, hanging siding, site clean up, mold abatement, and similar chores which are still needed more than eighteen months after Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast.

It's my hope to keep this blog updated every evening that we're gone, so those of you who are interested may keep track of our doings.  Photos will be included so that you can see some of your friends in action.  Rest assured that what we may lack in youthfulness, we make up for with experience and willingness!



1 comment:

  1. I dropped by the church office today and someone I didn't recognize was on the phone and this is what I heard: "Pastor is on vacation on the Gulf Coast. Claire has gone with the PW to a Presbyterian shoe sale at Steinmart's. Wayne was arrested for photocopying music. I can have the Orthodox priest call you back as soon as we put out a small fire in the chapel." Peace!
